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TPF Requirement for Funding
TPF Requirement for Funding

1. Requirement for Funding

Regulation 9. Funding Eligibility

A tourism implementing agency shall be eligible to apply for funding from the Fund if—

(a)  In the case of a state corporation or a government agency—

  1. has an annual work programme aligned to the strategic plan of the corporation or agency and the medium term plan approved by the governing body of the state corporation or agency

  2. has, in the case of an   infrastructure  development  project, prepared project designs, plans and bills of quantities, approved    by   the   governing           body   and   the   requisite regulatory approvals from relevant government institutions

  3. meets any other criteria set out by the Board.


(b) in case of a Ministry or a State Department,   that Ministry or State Department —

(i) has an annual work programme aligned to the strategic plan of the Ministry or   state department  and the medium term plan approved by the Cabinet Secretary responsible for that Ministry or State Department;

(ii) has, in the case of an  infrastructure development   project, prepared project designs, plans and bills of quantities, approved by the accounting officer of that Ministry or State Department and the requisite regulatory approvals from relevant government institutions; and

(iii)  Meets any other criteria set out by the Board

Regulation 10; Procedure for Funding Cont’d

10 (3)(a) An application for funding under paragraph (2) shall be accompanied by—(a) in case of a state corporation or government agency—

(i)   the  minutes  of  a  properly  constituted   meeting  of  the governing body of the state corporation or government agency   containing  the   resolution  to apply  for funding from the Fund;

(ii)  an annual work programme  aligned to the strategic  plan of the state corporation  or government  agency  approved by the governing body of that corporation or agency  and the Medium Term Plan approved by the Cabinet Secretary responsible   for   that   state   corporation   or   government agency;

(iii) where the project is an infrastructure development project, the project designs, plans and bills of quantities approved by   the   governing   body   and   the   requisite   regulatory approvals from relevant government institutions, where applicable;

iv) a  statutory  declaration  of  programmes  funded  through other sources, if any;

(v)  the details and signatories of the bank account in the name of the state corporation  or government  agency where the funds shall be channeled; and

(vi) any other  additional  information  as may be required  by the Board.

10 3(c) in the case of a Ministry or State Department—

(i)   an annual work programme  aligned to the strategic  plan of  that  Ministry  or  State  Department  and  the  Medium Term Plan;

(ii)  a   written   confirmation   from   the   accounting   officer responsible for that Ministry or State Department that the there is no other funding for the same programme, project or activity;

(iii) where  it  is  an  infrastructure   development   project,  the project designs, plans and bills of quantities approved by the  accounting  officer  of  that  Ministry  or  State Department and the requisite regulatory approvals from relevant government institutions, where applicable

(iv)  An accounting officers’ declaration of programmes funded through other sources, if any;

(v)  the details and signatories of the bank account in the name of that Ministry or State Department where the funds shall be channeled; and

(vi) Any other additional information as may be required by the Board.

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